在 JavaWeb 开发中,一般使用 Zxing 来生成和识别二维码,但是,Zxing 的识别有点差强人意,不少相对模糊的二维码识别率很低。不过就最新版本的测试来说,识别率有了现显著提高。
在没接触 Python 之前,曾使用 Zbar 的客户端进行识别,测了大概几百张相对模糊的图片,Zbar的识别速度要快很多,识别率也比 Zxing 稍微准确那边一丢丢,但是,稍微模糊一点就无法识别。相比之下,微信和支付宝的识别效果就逆天了。
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import os import qrcode import time from PIL import Image from pyzbar import pyzbar """ # 升级 pip 并安装第三方库 pip install -U pip pip install Pillow pip install pyzbar pip install qrcode """ def make_qr_code_easy(content, save_path=None): """ Generate QR Code by default :param content: The content encoded in QR Codeparams :param save_path: The path where the generated QR Code image will be saved in. If the path is not given the image will be opened by default. """ img = qrcode.make(data=content) if save_path: img.save(save_path) else: img.show() def make_qr_code(content, save_path=None): """ Generate QR Code by given params :param content: The content encoded in QR Code :param save_path: The path where the generated QR Code image will be saved in. If the path is not given the image will be opened by default. """ qr_code_maker = qrcode.QRCode(version=2, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_M, box_size=8, border=1, ) qr_code_maker.add_data(data=content) qr_code_maker.make(fit=True) img = qr_code_maker.make_image(fill_color="black", back_color="white") if save_path: img.save(save_path) else: img.show() def make_qr_code_with_icon(content, icon_path, save_path=None): """ Generate QR Code with an icon in the center :param content: The content encoded in QR Code :param icon_path: The path of icon image :param save_path: The path where the generated QR Code image will be saved in. If the path is not given the image will be opened by default. :exception FileExistsError: If the given icon_path is not exist. This error will be raised. :return: """ if not os.path.exists(icon_path): raise FileExistsError(icon_path) # First, generate an usual QR Code image qr_code_maker = qrcode.QRCode(version=4, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_H, box_size=8, border=1, ) qr_code_maker.add_data(data=content) qr_code_maker.make(fit=True) qr_code_img = qr_code_maker.make_image(fill_color="black", back_color="white").convert('RGBA') # Second, load icon image and resize it icon_img = Image.open(icon_path) code_width, code_height = qr_code_img.size icon_img = icon_img.resize((code_width // 4, code_height // 4), Image.ANTIALIAS) # Last, add the icon to original QR Code qr_code_img.paste(icon_img, (code_width * 3 // 8, code_width * 3 // 8)) if save_path: qr_code_img.save(save_path) else: qr_code_img.show() def decode_qr_code(code_img_path): """ Decode the given QR Code image, and return the content :param code_img_path: The path of QR Code image. :exception FileExistsError: If the given code_img_path is not exist. This error will be raised. :return: The list of decoded objects """ if not os.path.exists(code_img_path): raise FileExistsError(code_img_path) # Here, set only recognize QR Code and ignore other type of code return pyzbar.decode(Image.open(code_img_path), symbols=[pyzbar.ZBarSymbol.QRCODE], scan_locations=True) if __name__ == "__main__": # # 简易版 # make_qr_code_easy("make_qr_code_easy", "make_qr_code_easy.png") # results = decode_qr_code("make_qr_code_easy.png") # if len(results): # print(results[0].data.decode("utf-8")) # else: # print("Can not recognize.") # # # 参数版 # make_qr_code("make_qr_code", "make_qr_code.png") # results = decode_qr_code("make_qr_code.png") # if len(results): # print(results[0].data.decode("utf-8")) # else: # print("Can not recognize.") # # 带中间 logo 的 # make_qr_code_with_icon("https://blog.52itstyle.vip", "icon.jpg", "make_qr_code_with_icon.png") # results = decode_qr_code("make_qr_code_with_icon.png") # if len(results): # print(results[0].data.decode("utf-8")) # else: # print("Can not recognize.") # 识别答题卡二维码 16 识别失败 t1 = time.time() count = 0 for i in range(1, 33): results = decode_qr_code(os.getcwd()+"\\img\\"+str(i)+".png") if len(results): print(results[0].data.decode("utf-8")) else: print("Can not recognize.") count += 1 t2 = time.time() print("识别失败数量:" + str(count)) print("测试时间:" + str(int(round(t2 * 1000))-int(round(t1 * 1000))))
识别失败数量:1 测试时间:130
使用最新版的 Zxing 识别失败了三张。
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